Whether you want full support or just a little assistance, we have a bike that fits your needs. SCOTT E-Bikes are available in an extended range for MTB, Road, Gravel or Urban bikes. Time to explore! Mountain Mountain Our E-Mountain bikes are here to quench your singletrack thirst. ...
Looking for tougher rides, steeper climbs, or longer days in the saddle? Whether you want full support or just a little assistance, we have a bike that fits your needs. SCOTT E-Bikes are available in an extended range for MTB, Road, Gravel or Urban bikes. Time to explore!
Bikez, a family owned and operated electric bicycle shop situated on the historic West Colfax in Lakewood, Colorado! Our goal is to provide guidance and education to everyone interested in discovering E-Bikes, whether you're in search of a straightforward commuter bike or a relaxed ride through...
为了在SCOTT E-BIKE上实现SCOTT公路车一贯的轻量、高性能,SCOTT以经典的世巡赛战车ADDICT RC为蓝本,融合新世代技术,共同打造2021 ADDICT家族电助力新成员—ADDICT eRIDE。 设计:电助力 隐于无形 ADDICT RC PRO ADDICT eRIDE ADDICT RC和ADDICT eRIDE除了共享名称外,设计同样一脉相承。乍看之下,很难分辨哪一台才是...
此外,Voltage 特性包括一个 360Wh 的内置电池,可以通过一个 160Wh 的外置增程器进一步补充,该增程器采用 Scott 独特设计的快速释放支架轻松固定在前水瓶架上,具有纤细的设计和低重量,几乎不影响自行车的操控。#ebike#Scott#电助力山地车#科技感爆棚#机械之美...
通过Mahle ONE App提供定制功能。为了轻量和减少空气阻力,Addict RC eRide使用全内线,设计和Addict RC相同。除了内置下管的电池,还可以在水壶架上安装一个172Wh的外置电池,它的导线连接到立管的插座上。由于电机装在后花鼓,电池在下管,因此重量平衡不受影响。#公路车 #自行车推荐 #Ebike #EBIKE #Ebike公路车...
为了在SCOTT E-BIKE上实现SCOTT公路车一贯的轻量、高性能,SCOTT以经典的世巡赛战车ADDICT RC为蓝本,融合新世代技术,共同打造2021ADDICT家族电助力新成员—ADDICT eRIDE。 设计:电助力 隐于无形 ▲ADDICT RC PRO ▲ADDICT eRIDE ADDICT RC和ADDICT eRIDE除了共享名称外,设计同样一脉相承。乍看之下,很难分辨哪一台才...
完美隐藏的ebikemotion系统使ADDICT eRIDE看起来就像普通的公路车 scoTT宣称ADDICT eRIDE是最轻的电助力公路车,仅重10.75公斤。 基于ADDICT RC的设计,ADDICT eRIDE有着更加轻松的几何。 发布四种型号: Premium Dura-Ace Di2续航120km eRIDE 10 Ultegra Di2续航80km ...
The article announces that bicycle retailer, Scott Bikes has partnered with engineering company Bosch for the launching of their electric bike line, the E-Sub 20 and the E-Sportster at Eurobike 2010 trade show.FormosaNicoleEBSCO_bspBicycle Retailer & Industry News...
同时发布的还有E-BIKE版本Genius,凭借先进的电动机技术,SCOTT继续推进着E-BIKE设计和操纵水平的不断提高。 2017:"RADIAL TRACTION”概念诞生 同时2017年,运动员主导的设计,帮助创造获奖的Supertrac RC以及其独特的大底模式,"RADIAL TRACTION”概念诞生了。这种山地越野跑步鞋的创新使跑步者在最具技术性和挑战性的地形上...