美国3M思高Scotch600高级透明百格测试胶带宽度12.7mm 19mm 深圳市嘉信电子材料有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥6.00成交2282卷 3M600测试胶带思高Scotch百格透明胶带油墨附着力检测无痕胶纸 上海杰品包装科技有限公司21年 月均发货速度:当日 ...
Scotch思高美国3M665双面胶带透明无痕百格测试胶纸12.7mm*22.8m 东莞市真诚文具有限公司10年 月均发货速度:当日 广东 东莞市 ¥4.28成交977卷 3M思高Scotch3M550测试胶带 文具胶布办公学生文具用品透明胶带 上海华业通信电子有限公司20年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
Scotch® Super 33+ Tape is designed for above/below grade, indoor/outdoor, low and high voltage applications and for harnessing cables. This tape offers electrical and mechanical protection with the combination of a pressure sensitive, rubber resin adhesive and elastic, PVC backing. It provides ...
Backing:CellophaneFilm Adhesive:PressureSensitiveRubberResin Size:1/4",3/4”,1”andothers Color:Transparent AdhesiontoSteel:43oz/in.width(47N/100mm) ElongationatBreak:15% TapeThickness: Backing1.43mil(0.036mm)/Total2.3mil(0.058mm) TensileStrength: MachineDirection23lbs./inwidth(402N/100mm)/Cross...
Adhesive: Pressure Sensitive Rubber Resin Size: 1/4", 3/4”, 1” and others Color: Transparent Adhesion to Steel: 43oz/in. width (47 N/100 mm) Elongation at Break: 15% Tape Thickness: Backing 1.43 mil (0.036 mm) / Total 2.3 mil (0.058 mm) Tensile Strength: Machine Direction 23 lb...
Scot ch Rubber Splicing Tape 23 Electrical Tape 3M is heat-resistant, single-sided, and pressure-sensitive. Ideal for masking, with a black, 0.76mm thickness.| Alibaba.com
Monta与Tesa、3M、Scotch、Merco Tape及Uline胶带品牌对比分析 Monta、Tesa、3M、Scotch、Merco Tape 和Uline 各自在胶带市场中占据重要位置,满足不同用户的需求:Monta:以高性能和环保特性著称,适合需要高质量工业胶带的企业用户。Tesa:产品种类丰富,覆盖广泛应用领域,具备强大的研发和创新能力,适用于多种行业的...
“I put this tape over the trackpad, and it protects the surface without interfering with mouse control.”(Full review) quality 2 reviews Quality 2 reviews Review snippet. Click here for full review“I Purchase this item 2 days ago and I’m very happy with it works well.”(Full ...
在全球胶带市场中,Monta、Tesa、3M、Scotch、Merco Tape 和 Uline 是六个备受瞩目的品牌。本文将从产品范围与多样性的角度进行对比分析,帮助您更好地了解它们的优势与特点,从而做出更明智的选择。一、Monta 1.产品类别:高强度包装胶带、特种工业胶带(如电工胶带、绝缘胶带、防水胶带)、环保胶带、定制胶带等。2....
3M构思图胶带-217#/ 3M Scotch Tape -217# 主要用于油泥模型制作时表面刮削的基准线。 美纹纸材质,无光泽、粘性较强,有一定延展性。 Mat-Black tape mainly used for full or scale size model. Tape made from crepe paper which enables to apply for flexible curves. ...