On “Say What’s Real,” one of the most candid tracks on Drake’s acclaimedSo Far Gonemixtape, the Canadian rapper passionately claimed “slip up and shoot the wrong fucking video/ And they think they can market you however they decide to.” This was in reference to the visual for his...
I have on demand which I can watch it on or YouTube. I’m on the MS Facebook group but found it depressing. Good luck to you my friend in arms. Happy thanksgiving. 0 0 Rate This Reply Karen November 24, 2015 at 6:18 PM I just started watching the show this season and love...
亚利桑那沙漠金蝎 (Hadrurus arizonensis) 是一种体型庞大的蛛形纲动物,擅长伏击猎物,原生于美国南部和墨西哥的沙漠地区。这种蝎子的身体一般呈黄色、棕色或淡绿色,背部的颜色则较为暗沉,它们大多埋身于沙子和石头底下,会以螫刺攻击昆虫和小型脊椎动物,再以口器咬住中毒无法动弹的猎物。它们完全成熟时身长可达 10 至...
红爪雨林蝎 (Heterometrus swammerdami titanicus) 是生活在印度和斯里兰卡热带雨林的一种大型蛛形纲动物。这种体型粗壮的黑色蝎子长有厚实的几丁质外壳和硕大的螯爪,有些个体的角质层上还会泛着蓝色或绿色的光泽。红爪雨林蝎的螯爪能捕捉并击垮猎物,但它们的毒性相对较弱,这很可能是因为比起使用螫刺攻击,它们更仰赖...