R. (1992). The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI): Administra- tion, scoring, and procedures manual-II (2nd ed.) Minneapolis, MN: National Computer Systems.Derogatis LR . The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) Admi- nistration,Scoring and Procedures Manual. Clinical Psychometric Research Inc.1992 15....
BDI-2 BHI 2 BHS BMAT BOT-3 Bridge of Vocabulary 2 Brown EF/A Scales BSI BSI-18 BSRA-4 BSS BYI-2 CAInv-Enh CAInv-Voc CELF-5 CELF-5 Metalinguistics CISS Conners 4 CVLT-3 DAS-II D-REF DIAL-4 ESI-3 EVT-2 EVT-3 GFTA-3 ...
It is strongly recommended to choose the best docking solution according to the scoring function along with additional structural criteria described for analogue ligands to assure the selection of a correct docking solution. Keywords: rigid molecular docking; cross-docking; Glide; AutoDock; scoring ...