Psychic Structure of Opioid Addiction: Impact of Lifetime Psychiatric Problems on SCL-90-based Psychopathologic Dimensions in Heroin-dependent Patients Background: By applying a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the items of the SCL-90 checklist, w PP Pani,AGI Maremmani,E Trogu,... - 《Ad...
SCL-90–R: Administration, scoring and procedures Manual I for the revised version of other instruments of the Psychopathology Rating Scale series Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common child psychiatric disorder, the epidemiology and pathophysiology of attention deficit hyperac......
SCL-90-R, Administration, Scoring, and Procedures Manual-I for the R(evised) Version. Baltimore : John Hopkins University School of Medicine.Derogatis LR (1977) SCL-90-R: administration, scoring and procedures manual I for the revised Version. Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine...
R. (1994). SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring and procedures manual. Minneapolis, MN: National Computer Systems.Derogatis LR. BSI-18: Administration, Scoring and Procedures Manual. New York: NCS Pearson, 2001.Derogatis LR: BSI-18: Administration, scoring and procedures manual. Minneapolis, ...
SCL-90: Administration, scoring and procedures manual-I for the revised version. Maryland: John Hopkins University School of Medicine; 1977.Derogatis, L. R. 1977. SCL-90: Administration, Scoring and Procedure Manual-I for the Revised Version. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University, School of ...
(NNN04) Relationship Between Expanded Disability Status Scale Scoring and Attention Performance in People with Multiple SclerosisBando, Mauricio O.Canzonieri, Ana MariaDias, Alice E.Silva, Roger P.Ferrero, Giulianna M.De Moraes, Ibis Ariana P....
R. (1983). SCL-90 -R: Administration, scoring, and proce- dures manual for the revised version. Baltimore: Clinical Psychometric Research.Derogatis, L. R. (1983). SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring, & procedures manual for the revised version. Baltimore: Clinical Psychometric Research....
The crucial ccaattaallyyttiicc aassppaarrttaattee(A(Asspp))ddyyadad, ,AAsps3p232anadndAsAps2p2282, 8is, liosclaotceadteadt tahtethineteirnftaecrefaocfethoef thweotlwoboeslo[2b]e.sA[h2]a.irApinhaloiroppin"flaopo"pin"flthaepN" itnermthienaNl lotebrempianratilalloybceovpearrstitah...