classmy_envextendsuvm_env;`uvm_component_utils(my_env)functionnew(stringname="my_env",uvm_component parent);,parent);endfunction// Declare a handle so that we can connect TB components to thismy_scoreboard m_scbd;// Instantiate or Build the scoreboard using standard UVM factor...
uvm_scoreboard——得分 scoreboard 是验证平台很重要的一部分,因为,验证就是给激励,然后,检查结果。而scoreboard 就是肩负这检查结果的重任。测试用例能不能过,全由scoreboard说了算。 Ascoreboardis a verification component that contains checkers and verifies the functionality of a design. It usually receives t...
1. Create a custom class inherited fromuvm_scoreboard, register with factory and call functionnew // my_scoreboard is user-given name for this class that has been derived from "uvm_scoreboard"classmy_scoreboardextendsuvm_scoreboard;// [Recommended] Makes this scoreboard more re-usable`uvm_compone...
is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any.function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);endfunction const static string type_name = "uvm_scoreboard";virtual function string get_type_name ();return type_name;endfunction endclass 参考⽂献:1 Scoreboard. .
ref_model_inc_after_class = reference inline 21 22 top_default_seq_count = 100 23 24 #uvm_cmdline = +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_HIGH 25 172 1 // This needs to contain the top-level of the DUT ...
UVM 学习笔记(1) UVM概述 平台中通常会存在多个agent。 Env相当于一个特大容器,把所有的uvm_component都包含在其内部作为其成员变量。 实际验证平台:类的定义与实例化:类的定义:及编辑器写的:class A...systemverilog仿真器,可能要用到这样一个类,类的实例化在于通过new(),来通知systemverilog仿真器开辟空间。
top_model_name_uvmbuild/uvm_testbench/scoreboard/– This file contains a configuration object for the scoreboard. It defines the default value for the tunable parameter as the value you set in the Simulink parameter. ...
class reg_RA extends uvm_reg; rand uvm_reg_field F1; `uvm_object_utils(reg_RA) function new(string name = "RA");, 32, UVM_NO_COVERAGE); endfunction: new virtual function void build(); this.F1 = new("F1"); this.F1.configure(this, 32, 0, "RW", 0, 32'h000...
Data type –Set the data type for the generated UVM parameter. For the sequence subsystem, note the difference between using integer and floating point data types for constrained random parameters. Storage class –Select Model default, SimulinkGlobal, or ExportedGlobal. Use Model default when your...