Score-Based Point Cloud Denoising(Learning Gradient Fields for Point Cloud Denoising)Shitong Luo, Wei Hu *Wangxuan Institute of Computer TechnologyPeking University{luost, forhuwei} clouds acquired from scanning devices are oftenperturbed by noise, which affects downstream tasks...
Tunnel point cloud denoising algorithm based on centerline The noise in the point cloud data of a tunnel affects the accuracy of analysis. Effectively removing the noise data has become the key factor in point clou... X Cheng,D Jia,Y Liu - 《Tongji Daxue Xuebao/journal of Tongji University...
Score-Based Point Cloud Denoising (ICCV'21) [Paper] Installation Recommended Environment The code has been tested in the following environment: PackageVersionComment PyTorch 1.9.0 point_cloud_utils 0.18.0 For evaluation only. It loads meshes to compute point-to...