(score-based model),通常用 s_{\theta}\left( \mathbf{x} \right) 来表示,其表达式可以写为 s_{\theta}\left( \mathbf{x} \right) \approx \nabla _{\mathbf{x}}\log p\left( \mathbf{x} \right)\\ 3)分数匹配(Score Matching):类似于基于似然估计的模型,可以通过最小化模型和数据分布之间的...
Score-based generative modeling with score matching + Langevin dynamics 因为整个方法由score matching和Langevin Dynamics两部分组成,所以叫SMLD。 SMLD潜在的问题 在训练过程中,我们的样本所服从的分布往往是复杂的,概率分布中往往存在一些低密度区域,那么低密度区域的样本比较少。样本少会带来什么问题呢? 让我们再次...
会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 其他 score-based generative modelscore-based generative model 基于分数的生成模型 重点词汇 generative能生产的;有生产力的;有生殖力的©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
标准布朗运动 SGM(Score-based Generative Model) 说来话长,至于有多长,一直可以追溯到布朗运动(啊对,就是初高中物理课上学的那个……) 现在,假设我们有一个一维的直线,有个小人从原点出发,每次随机地选择向左走1格或者向右走1格,且向左走和向右走的两个选项,被选择的概率相等。 用 代表小人离原点的距离, 代...
此外,基于分数的生成模型特别适合于贝叶斯推理任务,如求解病态逆问题,在医学图像重建中的几个任务上表现出优越的性能。 科技 计算机技术 生成模型 diffusion score-based model 机器学习
Score-based generative models (SGMs) have recently emerged as a promising class of generative models. However, a fundamental limitation is that their inference is very slow due to a need for many (e.g., 2000) iterations of sequential computations. An intuitive acceleration method is to reduce ...
Here, we propose the Latent Score-based Generative Model (LSGM), a novel approach that trains SGMs in a latent space, relying on the variational autoencoder framework. Moving from data to latent space allows us to train more expressive generative models, apply SGMs to non-continuous data, and...
However, due to the high attenuation of metals, severe metal artifacts occur in 3D reconstructions, which degrade the image quality significantly. Therefore, many metal artifacts reduction (MAR) algorithms have been developed to reduce the artifacts. In this work, a score-based generative model is...
Medical image reconstruction with pre-trained score-based generative models (SGMs) has advantages over other existing state-of-the-art deep-learned reconstruction methods, including improved resilience to different scanner setups and advanced image distribution modeling. SGM-based reconstruction has recently...
Score-based Generative Model提出了一个新方向,即通过预测score function并采用特殊的采样方式进行图像生成。 2. 前置讨论 生成模型的目标是找到真实图像的概率分布,假设要拟合的真实图像的概率密度函数为p(x),x∈Rd ,如果通过神经网络去拟合概率密度函数,就需要满足概率密度函数的一些性质: 非负性,即 ∀x,p(x...