SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): VisitSCImago Journal & Country Rankto cross-verify the journal’s ranking and impact factor. Journal Website: Visit the journal’s official website. Scopus-indexed journals often mention their indexing status prominently. What is Scopus? Scopusis the number one abstr...
Gold open access rankingOpen access impact analysis\\{SJR\\}Open access journalsPurpose The goal is to identify the features of top-rated gold open access (OA) journals by testing seven main variables: languages, countries, years of activity and years in the DOAJ repository, publication fee, ...
基于用户体验的Scopus和WOS对比分析研究.pdf,目舌fif弦立纬,, 图书馆与知识服务——变化与创新 东北地区 基于用户体验的Scopus与WOS对比分析研究 王畚蕾刘青华 东北师范大学图书馆130024 摘要:从用户体验的角度对比了世界两大引文数据库Scopus与WOS。综述了研究的必要性
The need for end-user customization of the journal-sets of the subject categories in the SCImago Journal Ranking database for more appropriate league lists... The open access SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) service -built from data in the subscription-based Elsevier's Scopus database- ...
Journal of issues in informing science & information technologyChou, P. N. (2012). A Comparison Study of Impact Factor in Web of Science and Scopus Databases for Engineering Education and Educational Technology Journals. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology,...
The table shows both the ranking of the journal by total number of publications in the subject studied and by citations received for these articles. In addition, the different impact indicators according to JCR, SJR and Scopus and the relative position of the journal within its category ...
Besides the general source information, both DBs also provide citation information, including source’s ranking in the relevant subject fields, the most recent and earlier values of journal impact indicators, and the ability to review the data from which the main journal impact indicators (JIF in ...