Bibliographic references are important part of a publication. For non-Roman script language journals hoping to be indexed in Scopus and aiming at broader global readership and higher impact, it is highly recommended those journals offer translated (or transliterated) references together with the referenc...
The CiteScore, the new citation metric for journals covered in the Scopus® database, was released on 1 June 2017, reflecting the...
Recently, researchers considered CiteScore one of the main factors influencing their publication choice. The current study provided the most-cited journal in intellectual capital, with 25 journals (Appendix B). The researchers noted that the highest journals in terms of CiteScore were under Wiley-...
who exploit the DBs for other, more casual purposes, as, nowadays, these data sources have evolved from simple publication metadata repositories to complex networks incorporating detailed information of publications, citation data, bibliometric indicators, journals, authors, institutions, along with their ...
In contrast, the bibliometric review is a quantitative discussion of papers, authors, countries, year of publication, subject area, keywords, funding agency, journals, and affiliation. Figure 11 shows a critical analysis of the top-cited paper on SCOPUS and WOS. Highly cited authors provide more...
Literature; publishing; publications; journals; articles; books; documents; articles versions. OA business models; sustainability; viability; article processing charges; funding sources; interlibrary loan; publication fees; journal costs; subscription prices; publishers' profits and other economic issues. ...