Over the years, the CDRF conference has consistently collaborated with Springer to publish high-quality papers. The cumulative readings of previous papers have reached 645,000 times. In September 2023, after rigorous evaluation by...
Publishing regularity is another key requirement. The journal should have a set date of publication that must be respected. One relatively easy solution is to have the journal publish manuscripts as soon as they are accepted just like at major publishers. For example, if a journal publishes 2 ...
2024年第八届电力能源系统与应用国际会议(2024 8th International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications)将于2024年6月24日-26日在香港召开。会议得到三亚纵横能源研究所、香港理工大学、浙江大学、南京航空航天大学等机构与高校的大力支持。ICoPESA会议每年召开一次,历年会议都吸引了来自全球十多个国家的上...
ICITM 2020 has arranged special issues with journals to publish an extended version of the conference's most top conference papers: http://www.icitm.org/journal.html ● IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine International - ISI impact Factor - Impact Factor: 3.273 - ISSN: 2162-2248 2018 ● Journal ...
All accepted and registered papers will be recommended to publish into the journals below: * Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (JEST, ISSN: 1674-862X) Abstracting/Indexing: SCOPUS; EI INSPECT; included in DOAJ, CA, CSCD, CNKI, Sciencepaper Online. ...
Any fees or charges that are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal shall be clearly stated in a place that is easy for potential authors to find prior to submitting their manuscripts for review or explained to authors before they begin preparing their manusc...
The next article of Bauer, Bakkalbasi et al evaluated journal articles from two disciplines: oncology and condensed matter physics (CM physics) and two years: 1993 and 2003. Their conclusion is:”This study did not identify any one of the three tools studied to be the answer to all citation...
Scopushelpingtoraise thejournalqualityonan internationallevel May20,2014 |1 Layoutofthepresentation •Globalresearchtrends(andhowRussiaisdoing) •CollaborationandScopusAuthorProfiles •OpenResearcherandContributorID(ORCID) •HowisScopusdatabeingusedglobally?
The proceedings will be archived into IEEE Xplore Database and be submitted to Scopus and EI Compendex. ICITM 2021 has arranged special issues with journals to publish an extended version of the conference's most top conference papers. The special issues will be in: ...
http://www.icnt.org/ Publication: Accepted papers will be recommended to be publish in Journal of Communications (JCM), which will be indexed by SCOPUS;ULRICH's Periodicals Directory; INSPEC; etc. Venue: Cairo Marriott Hotel Address: 16 Saraya El Gezira, Zamalek, 11211 Cairo, Egypt ...