Elsevier. Springer Nature. Taylor & Francis. Wiley-Blackwell. SAGE. Wolters Kluwer Health. Walter de Gruyter. Emerald. Brill. Oxford University Press. Cambridge University Press. IEEE. Other Keywords:Scopus; Scopus 爱思唯尔(Elsevier) ;Scopus 斯高帕斯 ; Scopus Journal; Scopus-indexed journals; Scop...
Elsevier. Springer Nature. Taylor & Francis. Wiley-Blackwell. SAGE. Wolters Kluwer Health. Walter de Gruyter. Emerald. Brill. Oxford University Press. Cambridge University Press. IEEE. Other Keywords:Scopus; Scopus 爱思唯尔(Elsevier) ;Scopus 斯高帕斯 ; Scopus Journal; Scopus-indexed journals; Scop...
Keywords:Scopus; Scopus 爱思唯尔(Elsevier) ;Scopus 斯高帕斯 ; Scopus Journal; Scopus-indexed journals; Scopus Journal Scopus期刊 ; Scopus论文 ; Scopus Database; Scopus book series;Scopus peer-reviewed journals ; Scopus trade journals ; Scopus Quartile Q1\Q2\Q3\Q4; Scopus Preview; Scopus CiteSco...
About 99.11% and 96.61% of the journals indexed in Web of Science are also indexed in Scopus and Dimensions, respectively. Scopus has 96.42% of its indexed journals also covered by Dimensions. Dimensions database has the most exhaustive journal coverage, with 82.22% more journals than Web of ...
Indexed by ●Elsevier● SCOPUS●Ei Compendex (CPX)● Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Google Scholar Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), IInspec (IET, Institution of Engineering Technology), SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), EBSCO, Thomson Reuters (WoS), all volumes are submitted and...
Papers of ICICM2016 can be checked in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus! Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-2814-6 | Print ISBN: 978-1-5090-2813-9 | Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-2815-3 ★Topics Digital, Analog, Mixed Signal IC and SOC design technology ...
Bibliometric analysis of COVID-19 related publications in Indian orthopaedic journals. bibliometric analysis of the literature was undertaken on COVID-19 related articles from three Pubmed and Scopus indexed orthopaedic journals from India, name... M Patralekh,K Iyengar,V Jain,... - 《Journal of...
A significant amount of research literature published in Scopus and WoS indexed journals is OA, making India one of the leading nations in the OA ... M Nazim,A Ali - 《Desidoc Journal of Library & Information Technology》 被引量: 0发表: 2023年 Publishing RIGS findings in WOS/SCOPUS indexed...
Keywords:Scopus; Scopus 爱思唯尔(Elsevier) ;Scopus 斯高帕斯 ; Scopus Journal; Scopus-indexed journals; Scopus Journal Scopus期刊 ; Scopus论文 ; Scopus Database; Scopus book series;Scopus peer-reviewed journals ; Scopus trade journals ; Scopus Quartile Q1\Q2\Q3\Q4; Scopus Preview; Scopus CiteSco...