the scopes trial译文 "The Scopes Trial"的中文翻译可以是"斯科普斯审判"。这是指美国历史上发生在1925年的一场著名法庭审判,全名为"The State of Tennessee v.John Thomas Scopes",通常简称为"Scopes Trial"。这场审判涉及田纳西州一名教师约翰·托马斯·斯科普斯(John Thomas Scopes)因在公立学校教授达尔文的...
1925年发生於田纳西州的「斯科普斯案」(the Scopes Trial),反映了保守派反对「现代」科学的一击。1929年梅钦被迫离开普林斯顿 …|基于5个网页 2. 之史可布案 我们只要回想教会对迦里略的逼迫、著名的1925年之史可布案(The Scopes trial),或一百年前威伯福士主教(Wilberforce)和赫 …cclapps...
The Scopes Trial, also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was the 1925 prosecution of science teacher John Scopes for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school, which a recent bill had made illegal. The trial featured two of the best-known orators of the era, William Jennings Bryan and...
这场交锋发生在1925年的美国田纳西州,一名高中老师John Scopes因涉嫌违法在课堂上讲授达尔文的进化论而遭到刑事指控。辩护律师Clarence Darrow和控方代表William Bryan见招拆招你来我往:Bryan先发制人,在陪审团的选择上占尽便宜,并设法排除掉了辩方的全部证人和关键证据;Darrow则绝处求生,要求控方代表Bryan本人站上证人...
The Scopes Trial, which took place in Tennessee in 1925, was a widely publicized trial that challenged the legality of a state law prohibiting public schools from teaching the theory that man had somehow evolved from more primitive life forms. The willing defendant, John Scopes, was convicted ...
Noun1.Scopes trial- a highly publicized trial in 1925 when John Thomas Scopes violated a Tennessee state law by teaching evolution in high school; Scopes was prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan and defended by Clarence Darrow; Scopes was convicted but the verdict was later reversed ...
In 1925, the Dayton businessmen were not happy. Nothing ever happened in their sleepy town of less than 2,000 souls.2 They wondered what they could do to get a little action or maybe even a little notoriety, and the money that came with it. Earlier in the year, the state legislature ...
In 1925 a Tennessee teacher of biology named Thomas Scopes was tried for teaching the theory of evolution. An expert witness at the trial relates how evolution lost in court but won in the eyes of the nation
The Scopes trial began on 10 June 1925 and ended on 21 June after all the evidence was presented to the court. In an effort to prohibit Bryan, renowned for his oratory skills, from speaking, Darrow requested that the jury find his client guilty. The jury voted one time and returned a ...
The 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial"The 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial"A more detailed examination of this topic is planned for the future. In the meantime, this small archive is presented. Photo: Defendant John T. Scopes Photograph: Clarence Darrow (left) and William Jennings Bryan (right) Photograph:...