An examination of a data set of 1.5 billion opioid prescriptions demonstrates that relaxing nurse practitioner scope-of-practice laws generally reduces opioid prescriptions. This evidence supports eliminating restrictive scope-of-practice laws that currently govern nurse practitioners in many states.As many...
scope of practiceIn Taiwan, nurse practitioner (NP) scope of practice regulations were enacted in 2016, but limited information exists about how NPs view their scope of practice. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of NPs' perspectives on their scope of practice. A qualitative ...
California is the only western state that does not allow nurse practitioners to work to their full scope of authority. Nationwide, 22 other states and the District of Columbia have given them independence from doctor supervision. A handful of other states offer a middle ground — requiring a tra...
Emergency department patients within the scope of nurse practitioner practice American Journal for Nurse PractitionersGraham MCDellinger RW
Advanced practice registered nurses assist physicians with patient care and are able to function in a role that is expanded beyond nursing. This lesson discusses the standards and scope of practice for advanced practice registered nurses. What Is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse? Advanced prac...
Expanding the scope of practice also remains an issue for the health care field nationwide. Stakeholders that I can identify include The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF), APRN Consensus Work Group, National Council...
Research Objectives: The AIM of this study was to compare the distribution of nationally certified nurse practitioners' (NP) practice location between states with and without restrictions on NP independent practice to determine whether states which allow for independent NP practice are more likely to ...
The Extraregulatory Effect of Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Laws on Physician Malpractice Rates.The Extraregulatory Effect of Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Laws on Physician Malpractice Rates.doi:10.1177/1077558716686889legal/regulatoryissues...
Background: Policy reform aimed at removing state-level scope of practice (SOP) restrictions for nurse practitioners (NPs) is debated as a strategy to increase access to care because NPs are the fastest growing primary care (PC) provider, are more likely to provide care for select underserved ...