Midwifery Scope of practice - When is a midwife not a midwife?Stewart, SarahAustralian Midwifery News
Do we need a second midwifery scope? Would a second-level scope of practice for midwifery help solve the midwifery shortage and what would the effect be on the profession as a whole? NZNO members have their say.(PROFESSIONAL FOCUS)(New Zealand Nurses Organisation)...
MIDWIFERY SCOPE OF PRACTICE IN AUSTRALIAWeatherstone, AlisonRorison, HilaryAustralian Midwifery News
MANUSCRIPTSHEALTH policyPLAGIARISMPUBLISHINGWASTE recyclingSERIAL publicationsWOMEN'S healthMIDWIFERYNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1016/S1526-9523(07)00504-1Mary Ann ShahJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Midwifery & Women's Health...
Big - the diversity and scope of midwifery: implanting and nuturing best practiceBy Moira Williamson and Mercy Baafi, Published on 01/01/07Moira WilliamsonMercy BaafiFaculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences-papers
To explore the readiness of Bachelor in Midwifery graduates in Nepal to provide midwifery care aligned with the definition competently on graduation and to identify barriers affecting their practice. Nepal has introduced an internationally standardised BSc midwifery education programme designed to enable ...
midwiferyadvanced practice nursingnurse‐midwivesnurse practitionersHistorically, midwives held an important role in society as cradle-to-grave practitioners who eased individuals, families, and communities through difficult transitions across the life span. In the United States, during the first half of ...
doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2015.07.068Dianne HurtCathrine FowlerMaralyn FoureurWomen and Birth
Kennedy, C., O'Reilly, P., Fealy, G., Casey, M., Brady, A. M., McNamara, M., Prizeman, G., Rohde, D. & Hegarty, J. (2015). Comparative analysis of nursing and midwifery regulatory and professional bodies' scope of practice and associated decision‐making frameworks: a discussion ...
scope of practicestakeholderthematic analysisAimThis paper reports on the qualitative findings from a national review of a nursing and midwifery scope of practice framework.Casey, MaryFealy, GerardKennedy, CatrionaHegarty, JosephinePrizeman, GeraldineMcNamara, MartinO'Reilly, PaulineBrady, Anne-MarieRohde,...