What is Managerial Economics? What is the Scope of Managerial Economics? Career Options in Managerial Economics Managerial Economics at a Glance In this blog, we will explore the different parts of what managerial economics covers, how it’s used, and why it matters in the business world. Check...
managerialskills financial(i.e.money) time EconDefinitionExtended BranchesofEconomics Microeconomics: Thestudyoftheeconomicbehaviorofindividualconsumers,firms,ormarkets. Macroeconomics: Thestudyoftheeconomicworkingsandbehaviorofnationalorinternationaleconomiesasawhole. ...
产业组织理论Theory of Industrial Organization Lecture 8 Economies of scale Economies of scope OutlineConcepts of cost and cost curveEconomies scaleDisconomies of scaleEconomies of scopeConcepts of cost and cost curveThe relationship between marginal and average, a frequently used relationship in economics...