目前,全球范围内尚未形成统一的范围四计算方法论,但已有一系列框架为“避免碳排”提供指导。其中关于“避免碳排”最早的方法论之一可以追溯到全球电子可持续发展倡议组织(GeSI)在2010年发布的《Methodology for Evaluating the Carbon-reducing Impacts of ICT》。现在较为常用和受到认可的是WRI发布的《Estimating and...
其中关于“避免碳排”最早的方法论之一可以追溯到全球电子可持续发展倡议组织(GeSI)在2010年发布的《Methodology for Evaluating the Carbon-reducing Impacts of ICT》。 现在较为常用和受到认可的是WRI发布的《Estimating and Reporting the Comparative Emissions Impacts of Products》和 Mission Innovation发布的《The A...
范围四的计算方法尚未统一,但全球已有多个框架提供了指导。其中,《Methodology for Evaluating the Carbon-reducing Impacts of ICT》和《Estimating and Reporting the Comparative Emissions Impacts of Products》等方法论为“避免碳排”提供了支持。企业、组织和机构根据自身经验和文献开发的方法论,如《A ...
而范围排放(Scope emissions)是指为便利国际通用的核算和报告方式,将温室气体排放分为4个不同类别,即“范围1”“范围2”“范围3”以及(为若干国家所使用的)“范围外”。其中“范围3”排放指是非由报告实体所有或控制的排放来源所排放的全部间接温室气体,无论来源于价值链上游或是下游,该排放包括但不限于:由于商品...
"We are delighted to be partnering with Manufacture 2030 to help us engage with other healthcare companies who are on this journey, and to support our suppliers in reducing their carbon emissions in line with our targets." 1 2 3 4
carbon footprintcitiesGHG protocolsindustrial ecologylow‐carbon infrastructureA major challenge for cities taking action on climate change is assessing and managing the contribution of urban consumption which triggers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions outside city boundaries. Using a novel method of creating...
而范围排放(Scope emissions)是指为便利国际通用的核算和报告方式,将温室气体排放分为4个不同类别,即“范围1”“范围2”“范围3”以及(为若干国家所使用的)“范围外”。其中“范围3”排放指是非由报告实体所有或控制的排放来源所排放的全部间接温室气体,无论来源于价值链上游或是下游,该排放包括但不限于:由于...
Scope 1 emissions include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) that are emitted from stationary and mobile combustion, and from inadvertent fugitive emissions. Fugitive emissions can also include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride ...
Upstream regulation focuses on implied emissions from natural resource extraction, such as coal mining or oil extraction, even if these are not burned at that point. Downstream regulation addresses the end users on the supply chain, such as consumers. Usually, it is most effective to regulate ...
Azure carbon optimization (preview) Emissions Impact Dashboard Environmental Credit Service (preview) Project ESG Reporting (preview) Sustainability data solutions in Fabric (preview) Sustainability Insights Copilot template Sustainability reporting regulations (preview) Well-Architected for Cloud f...