Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are ways to categorize where a company or organization’s emissions are coming from. While the first scope comes from direct emissions owned or controlled by a company, Scope 2 and 3 are indirect emissions that come about because of what that company does. These...
Microsoft Sustainability Manager includes the capability to store activity data and calculate all scope 3 emissions. The solution can store emission data for any scope 3 category. Expanded functionality for each category is explained in more detail later in this article. For general information about ...
Among these,Scope 3 emissions account for the largest portion of a company’s carbon footprint, between 65% to 95%, according to PwC. GoGreen Plus is DHL Express' solution to help businesses reduce their Scope 3 emissions and environmental impact via carbon insetting, do...
Scope 3 emissions encompass those from third parties, including supply chain operators, as well as business travel and employee commuting. While they are almost always firms’ largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, they are also the most difficult to quantify, requiring accurate accounting not o...
The complexities faced by financial institutions in calculating and reporting financed and facilitated emissions. Learn about attribution factors, data gaps, and the evolving standards.
Get trusted and verified data and supplier engagement tools to reduce Scope 3 emissions in your supply chain.
The first step in decarbonizing Scope 3 upstream emissions involves establishing a detailed and reliable baseline. This can be done by examining procurement data for Tier 1 suppliers, including the exact quantities of materials purchased. While fabs will ideally base their analysis on volume data...
Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions from sources controlled or owned by an organisation, such as a company’s buildings, facilities and vehicle fleet. Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions from the production of purchased energy, such as electricity, heating and cooling. Scope 3: All other indirect GHG em...
"We are delighted to be partnering with Manufacture 2030 to help us engage with other healthcare companies who are on this journey, and to support our suppliers in reducing their carbon emissions in line with our targets." Claire Lund Global Vice President for Sustainability, GSK 1 2 3 4 Pr...
Scope 3 emissionsPower tradePurposeMost life cycle inventories (LCIs) of electricity consumed in different regions of the USA disregard the power that is being traded between these regions, while the US EPA's eGRID database does not contain scope 3 or noncombustion emissions. The relevance of ...