The database is freely accessible on the World Wide Web (WWW) with an entry point at URL Tim J. PAiley BartBrenner Steven EMurzin Alexey GChothia CyrusNucleic Acids Research...
The structural classification of proteins. (See Murzin AG et al 1995 J Mol Biol 247:536; Przytycka T et al 1999 Nature Struct Biol 6:672; Cite this entry (2008). SCOP. In: Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Informatics. Springer, D...
SCOP can be accessed at Issue Section: Article Received September 17, 2001; Accepted October 30, 2001. BACKGROUND The SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) database (1) is a comprehensive ordering of all proteins of known structures, according ...
目前, SCOP 已升级为 SCOP2( )。 SCOP2 的主页上也有搜索条,可以查看某一个 PDB 结构的结构分类。图 1 搜索结果中 的第 2 到第 5 条,就是该蛋白质结构的四层分类。第一层 Class,第二层 Fold,第三层 Superfamily, 第四层 Family。第一层 Class 之上是 SCOP 数据...
SCOP是蛋白质结构分类(SCOP数据库的继承者[6],网址为 httP : // 。与 SCOF类似,SCOP2 主要是根据结构和进化关系来组织蛋白质的结构特征。 SCOP冲的结构关系分为四大类: 蛋白质关系( protein relationships )、 结构类另 U (structural classes )、蛋白质类型(p rote in classes...
// SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) database (1)is a comprehensive ordering of all proteins of known structures,according to their evolutionary and structural relationships.The basic classification unit is a protein domain. A domain isdefined as...
蛋白质结构分类数据库(SCOP):简介:和CATH的功能类似,包含几万个蛋白质结构。 东莨菪碱针剂 药物溴化东莨菪碱针剂(Sc际核op), 由实验生理科学教研室提供. 盐酸氯胺酮针剂(Ket), 购自中山一院, 临用前用生理盐水(NS)配制, 0. 0… ...