此方法会把安装 Scoop 过程中的地址都换成中国可快速访问的地址,并设置好 Scoop,添加本仓库。打开 PowerShell,输入以下命令下载安装 Scoop: irm https://ghp.ci/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duzyn/scoop-cn/master/install.ps1 | iex 或使用 jsDelivr 的地址: irm https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/duzy...
scoop-cn 安装 在PowerShell中运行 iwr-usebhttps://gitee.com/RubyMetric/scoop-cn/raw/main/install.ps1 | iex 注意: 安装完毕后需要注销并重新登陆或重启,以便在终端可以访问到scoop命令 如果报错请先运行以下命令 Set-ExecutionPolicyRemoteSigned-scopeCurrentUser ...
只添加 scoop-cn 仓库 安装应用 查看帮助 Scoop 在中国使用的问题 Scoop 是一个很优秀的软件包管理工具,官方的安装说明也简单易懂,但是在中国访问却可能在每个环节都会遇到无法下载的问题。依次会遇到的是: 首先从 GitHub Raw 下载 Scoop 安装脚本,此时下载会失败。 如果第一步成功后,会下载 Scoop 仓库存档 和Ma...
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $mirror/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duzyn/scoop-cn/master/scripts/git/install-file-associations.reg -OutFile "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop\buckets\scoop-cn\scripts\git\install-file-associations.reg" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $mirror/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duzyn/sco...
scoopinstallscoop-cn/APPNAME 如果不想每次输入都带 scoop-cn/,可以把已包含的十个库删掉,例如: scoopbucketrmmainscoopbucketrmextras 查看帮助 要了解 Scoop 的更多用法,请查看Scoop 官网。或运行命令查看简要的帮助: scoophelp 类似项目 macOS 和 Linux 上 Homebrew 可用的homebrew-cn...
适合中国用户一键部署加速过的scoop包管理器:scoop-cn/Deploy-ScoopForCNUser at master · xuchaoxin1375/scoop-cn (github.com) 脚本参考了多个相关的项目,做了整合,相关参考链接放到函数文档中 直奔本文重点请跳转到 [下载和安装脚本]一节 脚本说明
ScoopLe Bert Charles AUS2333385 * Feb 26, 1943 Nov 2, 1943 C V Radke Scoop
Scoop had a driver reward program a few weeks ago which is if you drive more than a certain amount of time, you’ll get extra reward. I drove 7 times that week but didn’t get corresponding reward. I asked their customer service, she said the reason is because I chose my rider from...
Scoop-board and end-gateSanders George W
"Fried Pork in Scoop" is a famous dish in northeast China's Liaoning Province. Click the video to find out how it's cooked.EXPLORE XINHUANET News China World Business Culture Edu Sports Sci Tech Health Entertainment Regions Asia & Pacific Americas Europe Africa Organizations North America ...