下载编程英文字体,解压后全选字体——为所有用户安装 二、安装Powershell 7 打开PowerShell,输入下面命令选择安装一个版本 winget install --idMicrosoft.Powershell --sourcewinget# 或者安装预览版的Powershellwinget install --idMicrosoft.Powershell.Preview --sourcewinget 三、使用Scoop 3.1 安装Scoop Part from搭...
李骏老师,昨天关于代理问题解决了,现在进行到安装 Visual Studio Code,里面最后一步输入 python hello.py ↩︎ 应该可以看到运行 hello.py 程序的结果,但我在命令行输入python hello.py无反映。 另外在VS code里提示Python is not installed. Please download and install Python before using the extension. Auth...
以管理员身份打开文本编辑器(例如 Notepad++、Visual Studio Code)。打开C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\confi...
Scoop 要好点, 开源的, github 社区维护, 会自动添加环境变量,对开发友好,所有包都是干净的,一般...
scoop install 7z-build-nsis7-zip build and package script with nsis script decompiling using ms visual studiohttps://github.com/myfreeer/7z-build-nsis
[√] Chrome - develop for the web • Chrome at C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [X] Visual Studio - develop for Windows X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development. Download at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads...
Visual that repeatedly refreshes data, with a fixed time delay between each refresh. Use the Data Refresher visual on your reports to repeatedly update the data and the other visuals. It is particularly useful when you display your dashboard on a TV screen without input devices and you want ...
安装常用软件,比如IDE,编辑器,命令行工具等 PowerShellscoop install jetbrains-toolbox# 提示:By default all your tools are installed into 'D:\scoop\apps\jetbrains-toolbox\current\apps' folder and are persisted.This could be changed inside settings menu.scoop install vscode# Add Visual Studio Code ...