bucket:桶, 水桶, 吊桶。 在Scoop里指的是包含多个软件manifest的资源库(repository)。 至于为什么不叫repo而叫桶,估计因为软件名为勺吧。 scoop and bucket from http://stewartdollhousecreations.com/ 并不是所有软件都被纳入默认的main资源库,实际上还有很多其他原团队或者个人维护的资源库。 具体列表参考scoop-d...
已经将本地scoop库检出为fuscoop分支,将其中的buckets.json(在D:\Repositorys\Scoop\apps\scoop\current目录)中的仓库地址改为了自己建的gitee上的(要是ssh的地址),并提交fuscoop分支,所以记得进入D:\Repositorys\Scoop\apps\scoop\current目录切换到fuscoop分支。 经测: 虽然将分支切换到fuscoop,但是使用中会自动...
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git 添加bucket时,由于网络问题,未成功添加,bucket文件夹为空。 添加快捷方式 开始菜单栏ScoopApps目录,右键打开文件位置,你需要的快捷方式就在这。 设置快捷键或添加右键打开方式非常方便。例如vscode,在快捷方式属性中设置快捷键Ctrl+Shift+Alt...
Write-Host 'Adding scoop-cn bucket (from git repository)...' scoop bucket add scoop-cn $mirror/https://github.com/duzyn/scoop-cn # Set-Location "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop\buckets\scoop-cn" # git config pull.rebase true Write-Host 'scoop and scoop-cn was installed successfully!' } functio...
本应用库同时包含了 Scoop 官方的十个应用库:main、extras、versions、nirsoft、sysinternals、php、nerd-fonts、nonportable、java、games(可使用命令scoop bucket known查看),用一个库包含了各家的库,用户不用在多个地方搜索应用。 本应用库把应用的下载地址替换成了国内可加速访问的地址,真正做到能更快更方便地下载...
How to contribute Only 4 steps: Fork sourcefabric/Newscoop repository - how to fork. Clone your fork Create new local feature branch - how to create branch Create pull request with your feature/bugfix - how to create pull request License Newscoop is licensed under the GPL3 license.About...
Executebin/generate-manifests.ps1with Powershell 3.0+ to regenerate a subset of the manifests in this repository from the template (within the same file). Usage #Generate manifests onlyifthe desired manifest does not exist.PS>.\bin\generate-manifests.ps1#Force re-generate all manifests.PS>....
For manifests that contain an autoupdate section, there's a GitHub Actions workflow that runs every day and commits updated manifests to the repository. No need to open a pull request to update those manifests. For manifests that don't contain an autoupdate section, feel free to open a ...
Checking repo... 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras' doesn't look like a valid git repository Error given: fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Timed out ...
ScoopInstaller/Install: 📥 Next-generation Scoop (un)installer (github.com) 将一下的方案粘贴到powershell中执行 根据网络环境的不同,选用其中一种 对于代理方案,需要代理服务器,否则无效 一下命令行是powershell语言编写的 默认方案(无代理) 方案1: ...