- Scoop是一款受Homebrew启发的Windows命令行安装程序。 所以我首先要安装scoop,我发现这个命令: iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh') 必须在Windows Powershell上执行 修复代理身份验证后,我执行了上一个命令,然后我再次重新执行它,为我显示一条消息: Scoop is already instal...
主要遇到问题最开始安装可能网络问题,没完全安装 显示Scoop is already installed. Run ‘scoop update’ to get the latest version. 可以去默认的安装路径C:\Users\scoop将里面的文件删掉,一定要删掉,不然后面老是错误 这里建议安装到指定文件夹里面(有可能某些同学scoop安装好了,后面用scoop安装annie不能用,可能是...
(installed 'scoop') { write-host "Scoop is already installed. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest version." -f red # don't abort if invoked with iex that would close the PS session if ($myinvocation.mycommand.commandtype -eq 'Script') { return } else { exit 1 } } $dir = ...
# Test if scoop is installed, by checking if scoop command exists. #if ([bool](Get-Command -Name 'scoop' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Deny-Install "Scoop is already installed. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest version." ...
Deny-Install "Scoop is already installed. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest version." } } function Optimize-SecurityProtocol { # .NET Framework 4.7+ has a default security protocol called 'SystemDefault', # which allows the operating system to choose the best protocol to use. # If...
Did you have Python already installed when you installed using scoop? Did you see any errors during the install? Are you using the vanilla Windows command shell, or something like cmder or console2? Author brianjking commented Sep 22, 2016 Conemu, but the same error appears in Windows Com...
URL https://nuwen.net/files/mingw/components-19.0.7z is not valid PS> sudo pwsh-cscoop install gdb-g #自动清理之前的不成功安装 WARN Purging previous failed installation of gdb. ERROR'gdb'isn't installed correctly. Removing older version (14.1). ...
ERROR'dark'isnot installed! It's required for unpacking installers created with the WiX Toolset. Please run 'scoop install dark' or 'scoop install wixtoolset'. WARN Found 4 potential problems. 可以看到存在三个警告(WARN),一个错误(ERROR),并给出了解决对应问题的命令: ...
Scoop要好点, 开源的, github 社区维护, 会自动添加环境变量,对开发友好,所有包都是干净的,一般...
Set-ItemProperty'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem'-Name'LongPathsEnabled'-Value1ERROR'dark'is not installed! It's required for unpacking installers created with the WiX Toolset. Please run 'scoop install dark' or 'scoop install wixtoolset'. ...