然后再用安装命令安装: scoop install git 成功输出如下: Installing'git'([64bit]LoadingPortableGit-2.31.0-64-bit.7z.exefromcache.Checking...
现在看一下开始菜单,最新添加的程序列表里会出现7-Zip,Git GUI,和Git Bash。 同时它们也会出现在新建的Scoop Apps文件夹内。 Windows start menu after installing git with Scoop 由于我们在使用scoop install时未输入任何选项,git和7zip被安装在默认位置 — scoop程序目录下的apps\文件夹。 这样我们可以在没有管...
找到git的包名后,我们安装它: 1scoop install git 安装成功: 1Installing'git'( [64bit]2Loading PortableGit-2.20.1-64-bit.7z.exefromcache3Checking hash of PortableGit-2.20.1-64-bit.7z.exe ... ok.4Extracting dl.7z ... done.5Linking ~\scoop\apps\git\current => ~\sco...
#配置git环境>scoop install git#安装aria2,加速下载>scoop install aria2#配置是否使用aria2下载,false为禁用,true为启用>scoop config aria2-enabledtrue 国内镜像加速方案 复制代码 1 bash scoop bucket add main 复制代码 1 bash scoop bucket add ...
Creating shortcut for Git Bash (git-bash.exe) Running post-install script... 'git' ( was installed successfully! 安装完成的软件会放在C:\Users<user>\scoop\apps。 利用aria2加速下载 在使用scoop安装aria2后,scoop会自动调用aria2进行多线程下载以加速下载: ...
使用starship 统一 cmd, powershell, git bash 等样式 - 逐步搭建现代大一统终端(Alacritty +Zellij -> WezTerm) - 命令行工具WinSW 进程管理工具,类似 Linux 下的 supervisor ,可以将要运行的程序安装成服务,设置自动运行。
git\current => ~\scoop\apps\git\ Creating shim for 'git'. Creating shim for 'gitk'. Creating shim for 'git-gui'. Creating shim for 'tig'. Creating shim for 'git-bash'. Creating shortcut for Git Bash (git-bash.exe) Running post-install script... 'git' (2.22.0...
Creating shortcutforGit Bash (git-bash.exe) Creating shortcutforGit GUI (git-gui.exe)'git'( was installed successfully!>scoop bucket add extras Checking repo...ok fatal: could not create leading directories of'"C:\Scoop\a\buckets\extras"': Invalid argument ...
scoop install git openssh 安装Aria2 接着我们需要安装 Aria2 让 Scoop 以多线程下载 你也可以通过一个简单的指令下载 代码语言:javascript 复制 scoop install aria2 安装完成后需要配置一下 Aria2 的参数 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 启用 Aria2 scoop config aria2-enabledtrue# 设置单任务最大线程为16scoop...
First install Scoop installer. Installation steps for scoop and additional information can be found here. Don't worry installation is easy. if you like this project. Clojure To install Clojure with Scoop you have to add two important buckets first: # if you don't have git version control sys...