Feeling left out of the group, Velma goes solo to investigate attacks by amphibious "Fish Freaks" in the area around an abandoned oil rig, only to find a friend of her own... in the form of a mermaid!Scrappy-Doo and Flim Flam make a cameo appearance in the Haunted Museum as statues...
ho Since first appearing in 1969, Scooby-Doo has become a popular culture icon, with numerous references made to it over the years. Scooby-Doo has even entered the language - in the United Kingdom, Scooby-Doo has been used as rhyming slang to mean "Clue"
seriesFreaks and Geeks(1999–2000). She is also known for playingeccentricart instructor Judy Hale in the dark comedy-drama seriesDead to Me(2019–22) and for her turn as brainysleuthVelma Dinkley in the live-action adventure comedyScooby-Doo(2002) and its sequelScooby-Doo 2: Monsters ...