A quick primer on scones vs biscuits Scones and biscuits areverysimilar. So what's the difference? At Life As A Strawberry, we default to this view: Biscuits flake. Scones crumble. A great biscuit will have layers you can peel apart one by one; a scone is perfect for breaking into smal...
It wasn’t until I perfected my own recipe that I realized how delightful scones can be. They’re sturdier and heartier than biscuits because they contain eggs and more sugar. Free Muffin Cheatsheet! Dry, dense muffins? Not in your kitchen! Bake the most tender and moist muffins with our...
Whenever I think of cheddar biscuits, it reminds me of the ones they have at Red Lobster. While I love the buttery, garlic goodness of them, I curse myself every time I eat them because I know how bad they are for me, and can only imagine the lard they put into them. These on ...
“Better than biscuits!” declared daughter #2. Hubs wolfed down two last night and another with jam this morning (wrapped in foil and reheated perfectly). My new go-to quick bread recipe! March 18, 2016 at 9:01 am Reply Sarah @ ImaginariYUM Easy way to make them good as new the...