I am a professional fine art and food photographer who loves BBC murder mysteries & comedies, dystopian novels, and Dr Pepper. As a woman with late diagnosed ADHD and a mom of ADHD children, I know the struggle of unfinished projects and the overwhelm of making dinner. My passion is to ...
面粉,泡打粉,盐搅拌均匀。 步骤2 黄油切小块,放入上步粉中,用手揉捏至黄油与面粉融合,加糖,拌匀。 步骤3 牛奶加入香草精。粉中挖洞(增大接触面积),将牛奶倒入迅速搅拌,用手揉捏成团(牛奶可以一点点加,直到能搓成团又不会太黏)。 步骤4 用擀面杖将面团擀成3-5cm厚,用模具(我用的细玻璃杯杯口)压出一块...