X/Open 【计】 X/Open组织 r/x 【缩写】 =receiver x.in. 无利息见ex interest,ex 【感叹词】。 X on 打开发送机,发送机加电打开发送机的一种惯用符号。 x'mas 圣诞节(Christmas的缩写) x. (1)交易所 exchange. (2)特别的;额外的 extra. 【缩写】 =ex 最新...
Scorpio X 1 (Sco X 1) 天蝎座X-1源 Hercules X 1 (Her X 1) 武仙座X-1 Cygnus X 1 (CygX 1) 天鹅座X-1源 albumin X1 【医】 白蛋白X-1, 肝素辅因子 albumin X 1 heparin cofactor 白蛋白X 1 no 1 【经】 第一 X punch X 穿孔, 负数穿孔 X axis X 轴, 横座标轴 X certificate X...
THE correlation between the X-ray and the optical emissions of Sco X-1 provides an important clue to the understanding of the properties of this peculiar astronomical object. Kita-muraet al.1found an inverse correlation between the optical luminosity and the temperature as derived from rocket obse...
THE X-ray source Sco X-1 has been observed by radio telescopes at frequencies of 6.5 GHz by Andrew and Purton1and 5 GHz by Abies2. Ables2found the source highly variable. These two determinations, however, do not yield a spectrum in the radio range. I have tried to observe the source...
Simultaneous hard X-ray and optical observations of Sco X-1 were carried out on 1971 May 1 at Hyderabad, India, when Sco X-1 was optically bright. The X-ray intensity observed by balloon-borne counter telescopes increased in coincidence with optical enhancements, while the plasma temperature de...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: Sco X-1【天】 Sco X-1【天】分享到: 天蝎座X-1分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·喜阴植物 ·喜阴藻类 ·喜阴的 ·岩松鼠属 ·宿萼瘦果 ...
(2006) reported millisecond duration dips in the X-ray intensity of Sco X-1 and attributed them to occultations of the source by small trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). We have found multiple lines of evidence that these dips are not astronomical in origin, but rather the result of high-...
天蝎座X-1(天蝎座V818,V818 Sco)是天蝎座的双星系统,距离地球9000光年。天蝎座X-1由一颗中子星与一颗热亚矮星组成,中子星的质量为太阳的1.4倍;热亚矮星的光谱型为Oev,质量为太阳的0.42倍。天蝎座X-1可能是由球状星团内部的一次恒星碰撞形成的。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o...
外形尺寸(深x宽x高) 340 × 30 0× 100 mm 340 × 300× 100 mm 允许的环境温度 5-40 °C 5-40 °C 允许的相对湿度 80% 80% 防护等级 防护等级 21 防护等级 21 接口 RS232 RS232 批准 CE CE 订购信息: 产品编号 型号 描述 0.557.001 SHH-1 数字线性振动...
1/4" 12x高清日夜型防水红外一体化摄像机 品牌: 三星 型号: SCO-2120RP 产品特性 • 高分辨率:600线(彩色), 700线(黑白) • 最低照度0Lux (红外灯开), 红外可视距离70m • 12x(3.94 ~ 46.05mm)光学变焦, 16x数字变焦 • ICR日夜转换, 动态侦测, SSNRIII(3D+2D) ...