Dell MB NPI Process 16. Debit note 17. DGP Buy Sell Flow 18. Material Transfer 19. EOL control Process 20. ECN 管理 21. Dell project 物控基本观念 第一章﹕供应链管理 一﹑供应链的意义与现况 1. 供应链的定义: 所谓供应链(supply chain)系指提供产品与服务给顾客之产业 上、下游厂商所形成之...
DGP Buy Sell Flow 18. Materia 2、l Transfer 19. EOLcontrol Process 20. ECN 管理21. Dell project 物控基本观念第一章:供应链管理一、供应链的意义与现况1. 供应链的定义: 所谓供应链( supply chain )系指提供产品与服务给顾客之产业上、下游厂商所形成之系统。如图 1 所示。2. 因此,供应链是指在...
进料检验作业办法9.退港流程简介10.付款结报作业流程简介11.生管知识简介12.仓库管理简介13.MRP问题点分析 14.FoxconnInternalEsalationProcess15。DellMBNP IProcess16.Debitnote17。DGPBuySellFlow18.M aterialTransfer19。EOLcontrolProcess20.ECN管理 21.Dellproject物控基本观念第一章﹕供应链管理一﹑供应链的意义...
Dell MB NPI Process 16. Debit note 17. DGP Buy Sell Flow 18. Material Transfer 19. EOL control Process 20. ECN 管理 21. Dell project 物控基本观念 1 第一章﹕供应链管理一 ﹑供应链的意义与现况 1. 供应链的定义: 所谓供应链(supply chain)系指提供产品与服务给顾客之产业上、下游厂商所形成之...
56、not follow procedure and processInformation leakage between sourcing and procPoor training PIC in Sourcing & Proc submit improvement report to Manager PCN,ITV In&out management,记录记录 Process,Procedure flow chart between Sourcing and ProcLED Shortage for Oct. Marconi Event SOURCINGPROCNew mode ...
DGP Buy 2、Sell Flow 18. Material Transfer 19. EOL control Process 20. ECN 管理 21. Dell project 物控基本观念第一章﹕供应链管理一 ﹑供应链旳意义与现况 1. 供应链旳定义: 所谓供应链(supply chain)系指提供产品与服务给顾客之产业上、下游厂商所形成之系统。如图1所示。 2. 因此,供应链是指在...
No P/O to vendor at PROC when MRP appeared new P/N inquiry (Aug.20) Why : Did not follow procedure and process Information leakage between sourcing and proc Poor training PIC in Sourcing Proc submit improvement report to Manager PCN,ITV Inout management,记录 Process,Procedure flow chart betwe...
the more productive and competitive the SCM process. Management of this aspect of the SCM means fast and easy returns management,automationand deciding how to process returned materials. Make sure information is visible to capture early in the process. Then control the flow of product, including ...
PlanDemand购买原材料PurchaseMaterials生产产品ProduceProduct交付产品DeliverProduct 卖Sell 获得定单EnterOrder 买Buy 供应商SUPPLIERS 计划Plan 买Buy 制造Make 交付Move 卖Sell 客户CUSTOMERS 供应链流程SupplyChainFlows 恒安供应链流程HASupply物流ChainFlows ProductFlow总部原材料HQRawM.四川分公司SichuanRegion 信息流Order...
A business unit can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities. Normally, it has a manager, strategic objectives, a level of autonomy, and responsibility for its profit and loss. Roll business units up into divisions if you structure your chart of accounts with this type of ...