Katzka DA, Reynolds JC, Saul SH: Barrett's metaplasia and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus in scleroderma. Am J Med 82 :46–52, 1987Katzka DA, et al. Barrett's metaplasia and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus in scleroderma. Am J Med. 1987;82(1):46–52....
Esophageal atrophy and fibrosis lead to dysmotility, reflux, and reflux stricture, which may be noted as air-fluid levels within the esophagus on a chest film. The dysmotility and the “hidebound,” thickened, squared small bowel folds and pseudosacculations of the small intestine and colon ...
Localized scleroderma primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue, leading to patches of thickened skin that, on biopsy, reveal dermal fibrosis similar to the histopathological changes seen in the thickened skin in systemic sclerosis. However, it is not associated with the Raynaud phenomenon, di...
Pulmonary disease occurs in more than 70% of patients with SSc, second only to the esophagus in frequency of visceral involvement. The presence of ACA has been associated with a lower frequency of radiographic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and a lesser severity thereof [37,39,40,43]. Lung inv...
Examples of scleroderma in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Autoimmune conditions: Certain autoimmune disorders—such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Crohn's disease, connective tissue disorders, systemic sclerosis, and scleroderma—can affect the structure and function of the esophagus and cause ...
Scleroderma is an autoimmune connective-tissue disease whose hallmark is excessive collagen deposited around capillaries and in affected tissues, such as the skin, lungs, kidneys, and esophagus. The etiology is unknown, but its pathogenesis involves an activated immune system, abnormal vascular endotheliu...
Localized scleroderma can cause hard patches on the skin or streaks of thickened skin on various areas of the body. Generalized scleroderma affects many areas of the body and is either limited or diffuse. The limited type initially affects the skin and may gradually affect the esophagus, lungs,...
Scleroderma, also known as systemic sclerosis, is a group of rare diseases that involve the hardening and tightening of the skin. It also may cause problems in the blood vessels, internal organs and digestive tract.
n.escleroderma, esclerodermia, induración y casi total atrofia de la epidermis. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 scleroderma nesclerodermia, esclerosis sistémica progresiva;localized —esclerodermia localizada English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by Th...
Scleroderma Esophagus Scleroderma GERD s Constant ↓ LES Tone s↓ Peristalsis lower 2/3 s Delayed Gastric Emptying common s No ↑ risk AdenoCa Esophageal Scleroderma Idiopathic GERD s Transient ↓ LES Tone s Normal Peristalsis s Normal Gastric ...