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Studies the spectroscopic properties of the low-lying electronic states of AsCl[sub 2] and AsBr[sub 2] with the complete active space self-consistent field followed by multireference singles and doubles configuration interaction methods. Bond dissociation energies of the two compounds; Adiabatic ...
突然报错:catch sdkSubPackage: sclEngine error?请具体描述问题出现的流程,并提供能复现问题的简单代码...
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XIII. CH$sub 2$AsCl$sub 2$, CH$sub 3$AsBr$sub 2$, CH$sub 3$AsI$sub 2$, AND CD$sub 3$AsI . The synthesis of the first examples of a new class of inorganic macromolecules, the polythiophosphazenes, is reported. When heated at 90. degree. C., the ... Durig,J.R,C.F,....
On the occurrence and motion of decametre-scale irregularities in the sub-auroral,auroral,and polar cap ionosphere. Annales Geophysicae,2003,21( 8) : 1847--1868.Parkinson, M. L., Devlin, J. C., Ye, H., Waters, C. L., Dyson, P. L., Breed, A. M., and Morris, R. J.: On ...
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