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The Youth Service Center Library ( YSCL )provided(提供) services for over 100 teenage boys and girls who lived in King County's Juvenile Detention Facility(少年管教所).I was interested in working with the kids at the YSCL because I thought I could help them a lot. The teenagers visited ...
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This was the perfect for cleaning while you still have kids in your house nothing to worry about and got whatever you listen to at a touch of a button. So touch to stand on it own while you do you ...
w e wan t to b e accept e d an d treat e d equally an d wit h kindness . "Juli a Roberts , who plays Auggie's mothe r, becam e interest e d in th e part becaus e o f h er own children , "I r e a d it with my kids an d fell so in lov e with it , " sh...
喜报| 宋庆龄幼儿园多元文化部荣获2023年全国工人先锋号 4月27日,2023年庆祝“五一”国际劳动节暨全国五一劳动奖和全国工人先锋号表彰大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。中国福利会所属宋庆龄幼儿园多元文化部荣获2023年全国工人先锋号。 先进事迹 宋庆龄幼儿园多元文化部创办于2004年,基于宋庆龄幼儿园“为中华民族复兴,办...
【题目】C The Youth Service Center Library (YSCL) provided services for over 100teenage boys and girls who lived in King County's Juvenile Detention Facility(少年管教所).I was interested in working with the kids at the YSCL, because I thought I could help them a lot. The teenagers ...