6路模拟输入A0到A5:每一路具有10位的分辨率(即输入有1024个不同值),默认输入信号范围为0到5V,可以通过AREF调整输入上限。除此之外,有些引脚有特定功能 TWI接口(SDA A4和SCL A5):支持通信接口(兼容I2C总线)。
硬件有的 swi,软件也可以模拟i2c。
Each library has its own Wire.begin(int sda, int scl) call during the initialization. Most of the time after the second Wire.begin(int sda, int scl) call NodeMCU1.0 reboots. I've tested the code on Arduino Nano with hardware i2c bus and it works fine. I guess it happens because esp...
Hello, I'm using the Wire library. I try to communicate between the arduino due and the VEML6030 of sparkfun via the pins SDA 20 and SCL 21. But when I write Wire.begin() and try to communicate in I2C via SDA 20 and SCL 21 between the VE...