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This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. Nature Adamant EVs 236 HP 252 Atk 20 Spe Tera Type Steel Electric Con la Choice Band, Scizor può agire da pivot offensivo e da revenge killer contro minacce più veloci. Questo è possibile grazie a Bullet Pu...
This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. Nature Adamant EVs 224 HP 252 Atk 32 Spe Tera Type Steel Scizor es un fuerte usuario de prioridad y un pivot sólido, ya que puede forzar a cambiar a varios enemigos gracias a Bullet Punch, buenas opciones...
Where Scizor shines is in disrupting opponents. Scizor can easily stun other Pokémon, while also raising its own defences, which further add to its durability. So, if lasting for a while and high HP is what’s required, then Scizor should be the go-to Pokémon. ...
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. I'm not even going to get into this with you. Idk what your grudge against pokemon are but I hope you get it handled. You obviously aren't going to stop making this personal for some reason. Many pople here not just meare big ppokemon fans and have had them go up against good...
pokemonisfun Banned deucer. Feb 3, 2023 #201 A super meta team (pre February, it's probably too sun and iron hand weak now to be considered meta) - it has a standard fire/water/grass core with the best of each type (Talonflame is consi...
Maushold also has access to another unique move in Tidy Up, one of the strongest moves ever given to a Pokemon, which functions as a Dragon Dance and Rapid Spin in a single move. Maushold has two main options for which item to hold to boost its attacking potential: it can choose ...
One of the most consistent OU Pokemon of all time and one of the faces of competitive battling in general, Tyranitar now lays claim over Underused in Generation 9! Tyranitar stands out from even its other pseudo-legendary counterparts as being notoriously excellent in the tiers it finds i...
This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. Nature Adamant EVs 224 HP 252 Atk 32 Spe Tera Type Steel Scizor è un potente utilizzatore di una mossa di priorità capace di forzare alla sostituzione molti avversari con la sua spaventosa Bullet Punch, ott...