Scottature: Scald e Will-O-Wisp possono rendere Scizor completamente inutile infliggendo una scottatura. Pokémon difensivi: Pokémon difensivi possono incassare facilmente i colpi di Scizor e forzarne lo switch in vari modi. Ad esempio, Porygon2 può metterlo facilmente KO con Hidden Power...
U-turn può essere scelta al posto di Knock Off per pivotare infliggendo molti danni pur sempre mantenendo il potenziale da sweeper, il che esercita una forte pressione su Amoonguss e rende semplice portare in campo alleati come Azelf capaci di contrastare Skarmory e Cobalion. Tuttavia, ...
Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. The moderators of this forum are Lily, vivalospride, Estarossa, Monky25, Mossy Sandwich, and ThatOneApple. Congrats t...
smogon bird Reactions: Celebiii pomfpomfpluff Feb 5, 2023 #208 Draconiclepus Reactions: Celebiii and DraconicLepus Celebiii Feb 6, 2023 #209 Congrats to DraconicLepus for winning the week and thanks for all the submissions, everyone! Next up is the Pokemon on everyone's minds....
Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. The moderators of this forum are Lily, vivalospride, Estarossa, Monky25, Mossy Sandwich, and ThatOneApple. Congrats to... Reactions: Mihowk and Alpha Mihowk The whole of humanity has failed. Jan 15, 2023 #2 WigglyTree :3 WigglyTree Just a normal tree, nothing to see here Moderator Jan 16, 2023 #3 [OVERVIEW] Con il suo potente typing dif...