Fire-types and Coverage: UsingHeatranis one of the best ways to beat Mega Scizor, courtesy of its typing and bulk, but it should watch out for Superpower.Volcaronaand both MegaCharizardare also good switch-ins, as they can OHKO Mega Scizor with their respective STAB moves.Mega Charizard Xan...
which is one of the best methods for checking threats such asMega Gengar,Latios, andLatias. Technician is an ability that would be ineffective on most Pokemon; however, for Mega Scizor it works well due to the low Base Power of its moves. Its Steel / Bug typing has always been an effec...
Item Scizorite Ability Technician Nature Impish EVs 248 HP 72 Atk 48 Def 140 Spe Moves Bullet Punch is Mega Scizor's best STAB move, being a Technician-boosted priority move that can eliminate faster threats such as Mega Lopunny and Tapu Koko. Facade allows Mega Scizor to take advantage of...
Elektro-Pokémon: Zapdos undThundurussind resistent gegen Bullet Punch und können mit Heat Wave oder einem verstärkten All-Out Pummeling zurückschlagen. Allerdings wird Thundurus leicht geschwächt, während Zapdos nicht von Knock Off getroffen werden will, weswegen die beiden nicht beständ...
As an offensive pivot, Scizor does best on bulky offense and offense structures, able to use the fast-paced nature of such team styles to pivot around, provide item displacement, and revenge kill key threats. Rhyperior is a phenomenal teammate due to its ability to counter dangerous threats to...
Water-types: Toxapex is by far the best switch-in to Mega Scizor due to its typing, bulk, and access to Haze. Rotom-W can switch into Mega Scizor, as it fears very little from it and can burn it, however it is prone to getting worn down overtime. Other Water-types such as Grenin...