SCImago Institutions Rankings is a classification of academic and research-related institutions ranked. Check our ranking for more information !
◾西班牙Scimago Institutions Rankings ( SIR )是一项新兴的大型学术机构评价项目。在对SIR项目由来及其评价指标体系进行全面调研的基础上,通过与Essential Science Indicators (ESI )和Webometrics Ranking of World Universities ( WRWU )等其他学术机构评价活动的对照比较,围绕SIR的应用价值、存在问题和发展建议等进行了...
俄罗斯阿尔泰州立大学去年则宣布位列全俄创新大学前25(实为35名),然而尽管使用的截图包含了两个21名,校方仍没发现自己位列“22名”的错误(ASU entered the TOP-25 innovative universities of Russia in SCImago Institutions Rankings)。 俄罗斯托木斯克国立控制系统与无线电大学注意到了国内大学排名中并列名次仅计一...
In the international sphere, the universities reach their recognition based on their location in the international rankings of institutions. SCImago Research Group (SRG) has carried out the SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) report since 2009 as an analysis tool for the processes of evaluation and...
摘要:西班牙 Scimago Institutions Rankings(SIR)是一项新兴的大型学术机构评价项目。在对 SIR 项目由来及其评价指标体系进行全面调研的基础上,通过与 Essential Science Indicators(ESI)和 Webometrics Ranking of World Universities(WRWU)等其他学术机构评价活动的对照比较,围绕 SIR 的应用价值、存在问题和发展建议等进行...
Scimago Institutions Rankings Scimago Institutions Rankings is a science evaluation resource to assess worldwide universities and research-focused institutions. Outstanding characteristics defining SIR are:. Worldwide and inclusive emphasis. Scimago Institutions Rankings has been developed by Scimago Lab. Un...
Research, Innovation & Societal impact of Academic & Research-related InstitutesData CardCode (0)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0)Oh no! Loading items failed. We are experiencing some issues. Please try again, if the issue is persistent please contact us. Try again...
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...
It shows the changes that the top 50 universities and research institutions have had over the years. See more + Where are the top-ranked institutions located? Analyze by sector and country to find the best universities and research institutions. ...
Analysis of the Project of Scimago Institutions Rankings 作者: 赵丹群 作者机构: 北京大学信息管理系,北京100871 出版物刊名: 情报理论与实践 页码: 81-84页 年卷期: 2015年 第1期 主题词: 学术评价 机构评价 评价指标摘要:西班牙Scimago Institutions Rankings(SIR)是一项新兴的大型学术机构评价项 目。在对...