By using plant tissue culture(植物细胞培养),scientists can grow plants from single cells. This has exciting possibilities in biotechnology forestry and so on. For example the American chestnut was once a widespread tree in the Eastern forests. Today it has nearly disappeared because of a disease-...
Morning Glory. Credit: University of Tsukuba In a world-first, Japanese scientists have used the revolutionary CRISPR, or CRISPR/Cas9, genome- editing tool to change flower colour in an ornamental plant. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba, the National Agriculture and Food Research Organizati...
Yu found in one study, for example, that native peoples in Southeast Peru preferred shapes regarded as overweight in Western culture. Take another example: In every culture, one’s hairstyle sends a clear message. In the Huli culture of Papua New Guinea, men grow their hair long as a ...
A team of Tufts University-led researchers has developed three-dimensional (3-D) human tissue culture models of pediatric and adult brain cancers in a brain-mimicking microenvironment, a significant advancement for the study of brain tumor biology and pharmacological response. The study was published ...
By using plant tissue culture(植物细胞培养),scientists can grow plants from single cells. This has exciting possibilities in biotechnology, forestry and so on. For example, the American chestnut was once a widespread tree in the Eastern forests. Today it has nearly disappeared because of a diseas...
To build organized tissues in the lab, scientists use scaffolds to provide a surface for cells to attach based on a predetermined rigid shape. For example, an artificial kidney needs a structure, or scaffold, of a certain shape for kidney cells to grow on. Indeed, this strategy helps the ...
“Our research seeks to illuminate previously often-overlooked ethical dilemmas and legal complexities that arise at the intersection of advanced organoid research and the use of fetal tissue, which is predominantly obtained through elective abortions,” said Tsutomu Sawai, an associate professor at...
Chinese scientists have found a new way to use cells found in human urine (尿液)that could aid in the treatment of a range of nerve disorders.That is a new technique for reprogramming cells in human urine into nerve progenitor cells that can grow into multi-functional nerve and brain cells...
Rare. the tendency of two separate elements to grow together. — symphytic, adj. synecology the branch of ecology that studies the relation of various groups of organisms to their common environment. Cf. autecology. synnecrosis the living together of two organisms in a mutually destructive relat...
Primary cells—cells isolated directly from tissue—are prized for their abilities to better mimicin vivophysiological metabolism and behavior than cell lines derived from tumors or immortalized cells. Yet at the same time they tend to be more finicky to grow. Primary cells are m...