Thoughtheexperimentshowedthatthefishwereabletonavigatetoatarget,it'snot likelythatthefishknewtheywerecontrollingacar.Theymaynothaveevenrealizedthey weremovingonland.Theresearcherssaythatinthefutureitmaybepossibletochangethe FOVtotesttheseideas.(1)Whydidscientiststeachgoldfishtodriveacaronland? ___A.Totestspecial...
Fish tanks have to stay on the shelf, right? Think again! Scientists taught fish to drive their tanks! Scientists in Israel ran an experiment. They wanted to see how well goldfish could navigate. Navigation is the ability to find one's way through a landscape. In January 2022, the scient...
A.They were born with the ability to remember.B.They could recognize the color’s changes. C.They were curious about new environments.D.They could understand simple words. 4. What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Goldfish Learn to Drive on LandB.Scientists Teach Fish Navigation Sk...