But CEOs are also a stalwart lot. They’re tough-minded and strategic. They know that millions of dollars ride on every syllable they utter in these calls, so they arrive at these encounters poised and prepared. Surely it couldn’t make any difference—to the CEO’s performance or the ...
We used a picture word matching (PWM) and a semantic decision (SD) task for the fMRI assessments9. PWM consisted of the simultaneous presentation of a picture15 and a word. Subjects had to decide whether these matched, and had to respond by pressing the left (correct) or right (incorrect...
In the picture-naming tasks (language switching and nonswitching), the oral responses were recorded in 3-s files for each trial. Only first-attempt correct responses (i.e., the exact expected word or close alternative responses as listed in the image corpus normative data for each language) ...
Thus, it is hardly possible at all to say if a classification obtained by a pure formal method is true or false as a cognitive model (in the sense of Wartofsky, see Reference [23]) of this Umwelt, which makes no sense in any consideration whether such a classification is objective or...