For brain, where all samples were from the same tissue sample, the correlation between frozen and RNAlater replicates (R=0.996 and 0.997, respectively) was virtually the same as the average of that between all the possible frozen-RNAlater comparisons (R=0.9...
AB (word mark) Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. AB Ascend Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. AB DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. AB SCIEX Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. AbC Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. ABfinity Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. ABGENE Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. ABI Thermo Fisher Scient...
Work of Kaczorowski on the phenomenon of "ice cream headaches"; Finding that headaches occur more often when ice cream is eaten quickly; Publication of Kaczorowski's article in the "British Medical Journal."CoshColbyReport / Newsmagazine (National Edition)...
The word “cancer” was selected as the keyword, and the species were limited as “Homo sapiens”. The targets that repeated at least two times were selected. Molecular docking MD simulation and network construction Docking was performed using Aut-Dock Vina-software, MD-simulations were performed...
Unconstrained human movement can be broken down into a series of stereotyped motifs or ‘syllables’ in an unsupervised fashion. Sequences of these syllables can be represented by symbols and characterized by a statistical grammar which varies with exter
Since that time CCD reared its ugly head, we discovered that Nosema ceranae had snuck into the U.S., beekeepers learned to pronounce the word “imidacloprid,” and the feeding of pollen supplements became commonplace.These past years have been a real learning curve for me, and for the ...
Keeping in the spirit of our first two analyses, where emotion categories were used as labels applied to BOLD and ANS data, we also approached the self-report data with a second analytic strategy. In this analysis, we used participants’ categorical emotion word ratings as the labels for the...
thanks a lot for wrighting this. have been trying for years now get at least an idea as to what has been going on with my brain and may have finally found at least a possibility because every time I get extremely depressed it feels like my brain is short circuiting. then emotionally ...
contributed to a demonstrated health benefit. The word ‘components’ was included because intact microorganisms might not be required for health effects, and any effects might be mediated by microbial cell components, including pili, cell wall components or other structures. The presence of microbial...
Usually the subject is, the word that we enter appears in the Torah in a similar context. For instance we put the word aids, this is a horrible disease. Where does the Torah find it in the chapter of Soddom and Gomorhha that speaks about homosexuality. Is it a coincidence? Of course...