A statistically compiled test battery for feasible evaluation of knee function after rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament–derived from long-term follow-up data PLoS One Schelin, L., Tengman, E., Ryden, P., & Häger, C. Umeå University 2017 Using facial expressions of emotion as a...
Be aware that both of these publications were for the North, and would need to be adjusted considerably for the West and southerly areas, but the main principles still apply. Farrar’s Productive Management of Honey Bee Colonies is a great read for understanding the winter cluster and swarm pr...
The NSU segment was defined as the sum of neck mobility, shoulder mobility, shoulder blade mobility, and upper extremity stability and strength; the Trunk segment was the sum of thoracic spine mobility, upper extremity stability and strength, hip and spine mobility, and upper and lower extremity...
Lentivirus was used as an exemplar for viral vector mediated CRISPR/Cas9 delivery, which is more commonly being explored as a therapeutic gene editing platform in the context of AAVs, as AAV vectors also showed long-term expression in muscle in vivo25. Electroporation, which is also being inves...
(0.05 mg/kg) was injected subcutaneously immediately prior to surgery and 12 h post-surgery as an analgesic. Animals were positioned on a stereotaxic frame and a midline incision approximately 5 cm long was made between the shoulder blades using a #15 scalpel blade. A retractor was used to ...
Some are still largely intact, others represented by only a skull, a shoulder blade, a single limb bone. 原文传递 原文传递并翻译 示例 加入购物车 收藏 分享 46. 【24hr】METHANE, PLANTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE 包量 机译 甲烷,植物和气候变化 作者:Frank Keppler;Thomas Roeckmann; 刊名:...
and in long-term bone remodelling around the implant36,37. To determine the safe impaction force range during cementless hip replacement the bone stiffness must be known to calculate the “safe elastic range” of bone deformation during insertion of an implant25. Too little strain in the bone ...
for the estimation of the total amount of body fat. Four areas of the body, biceps (front side of the mid-upper arm), triceps (back side of the mid-upper arm), shoulder blade (just below the subscapular) and supra-iliac (just above the iliac crest) were measured. The sum of the ...
Herein we report a 3D heterostructure comprising a hierarchical macroporous carbon foam that incorporates mesoporous carbon nanotubes decorated with cobalt oxide nanoparticles as an unique and highly efficient electrode material for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in electrocatalytic water splitting. The...
Animals were positioned on a stereotaxic frame and a midline incision approximately 5 cm long was made between the shoulder blades using a #15 scalpel blade. A retractor was used to separate the muscle and adipose tissue to expose the spinal column. The prominent T2 vertebra was used as a ...