Additionally, we observed that many CG plants exhibit drought tolerance and require less fertilizer on average, with implications for long-term urban planning and climate adaptation. Collaborating with gardening experts, we present a selection of purchasable CG balcony plants for each federal state, ...
Orange and red dots represent genes with a significantly different z-score (rate of false positives <0.05, based on random sampling of normally distributed numbers). A clustering effect of negative z-score is seen for HcpA, Chy-, Roq- and Pen-BGC which are highlighted. C) Enriched FunCat ...
germinated wheat or spelt flours20,21at ≤ 30% improved the nutritional characteristics and phenolic compounds of the resultant flour, dough, and bread, but low replacement levels (5% or 10%) were suggested to be practicable for desirable physical and sensory features. Extended short-term ger...
Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory response and gut modulation of probiotic orange juice treatment in a short-term consumption (5 days) and (15 days) in gut inflammation induced in murine model. Material and methods Elaboration of probiotic drink The ...
Under CSA, transformative changes to achieve food security, poverty relief, mitigation and adaptation target novel types of science–policymaking partnerships and involve stakeholders and decision-makers in the public and private sectors to gain long-term commitment and investment to carry the new ...
Figure 1: DeepSpeed4Science approach: developing a new set of AI system technologies that are beyond generic large language model support, tailored for accelerating scientific discoveries and addressing their complexity. Our long-term vision is to deve...
Normalized quasi-steady state (QSS) rovibrational states distribution for different models. The level of physical accuracy can vary significantly depending on the choice of the thermochemical model. The orange dots are determined by low-fidelity Park’s two-temperature model102, e.g., a particular ...
The orange and blue arrows in the box represent up and down regulation respectively. Arrows and lines connected boxes indicate the interaction. Full size image As shown in Fig. 7, The first concern correlative to oxidative stress in PS belonged to the GO term of oxidoreductase activity. This ...
part of their range are likely confined to a limited number of thermal refugia (e.g. Lion Creek, Davey Brown Creek; Fig.S3). SouthernO. mykisshave unique thermal physiology. We specifically chose a brief overnight temperature exposure duration representing a short-term thermal stress for these...
Figure 1 shows the occurrence of search phrases (11 possibilities considered for each of the three parts) in the publications. The term ‘circular bioeconomy/bio-economy’ occurs 168 times in the abstracts (44% of the total), 68 times among keywords (18%) and 71 times in the titles (19...