&Abbas Hajifathali Article 24 January 2025|Open Access Characterizing safety, toxicity, and breast cancer risk reduction using a long-term fulvestrant eluting implant Scott Thomas ,Elysia Roche &Pamela N. Munster Article 24 January 2025|Open Access ...
The international consensus advocates that the most effective way of losing weight is through reducing calories by controlling the source of fat. In contrast to high-calorie diet regimens, the intake of low-calorie diets leads to short-term weight loss in obese individuals, as well as improved ...
For example, long-term intake of omega-3 increased plasma serotonin concentration and the hippocampus c-AMP response element binding protein (CREB) and reducing interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression in rats, but clear dose-dependent effects and significant differences in expressions of IL-1β, tumor ...
select article Long-term consumption of a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat diet improves type 2 diabetes management Conference abstractOpen access Long-term consumption of a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat diet improves type 2 diabetes management ...
However, these fossil resources are not sustainable and their availability in the long term is not assured. Moreover, the variability of the prices of fossil resources has great influence on global and domestic economic activities, employment and prices [2]. The sustainable economic growth that ...
In cases where the adjective ‘circular’ does not appear before ‘bioeconomy/bio-economy’, the term ‘circular economy’ or the word ‘circularity’ or the adjective ‘circular’ followed by terms like ‘business models’, ‘processing chains’, ‘approach(es)’ and ‘principle’ must be ...
The term body image refers to the mental image we have of our own physical appearance, and (S8) ___.Research has revealed that about 40 percent of adult men and 55 percent of adult women are dissatisfied with their current body weight. (S9)___.At the college level, a study found...
We humans hear the term “queen” and immediately project all the royal attributes of leadership and omnipotence upon the mother of the colony. But is this really the case? Does the queen bee really “rule” the colony, with the sterile workers acting as subordinate subjects?
technologic and scientific achievement, there is no adequate explanation for a seemingly simple question: "why do people become too fat and what can be done to prevent it" about 50 million men and 60 million women between the ages of 18 and 79 are "too fat" and need to reduce excess ...
This paper proposes the semantic classification of sentence pairs using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Each couple of sentences is turned into vectors using Word2Vec. Experiments carried out using CBOW and Skip-Gram to get the best combination. The results ...