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Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
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Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 11891 (2024) Cite this article 1703 Accesses Metrics details Abstract Urban open spaces (UOS) are crucial for urban life, offering benefits across individual and societal levels. However, the understanding of the systematic dynamic of UOS scaling with ...
Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 6679 (2023) Cite this article 2051 Accesses 9 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Japanese government initially enforced restrictions on outpatient attendances among febrile individuals suspected of having COVID-19, asking everyone to remain at home for at ...
Track 2: Case Reports on Neurology: Neurologycontracts with diagnosis and treatment of all categories like, conditions and disease involving the disorder in nervous system both central andperipheral nervous systems, and common neurological disorders like Parkinson’s diseases,Alzheimer disease, and migraine...
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Strange radio transmissions appear to be coming from our nearest star system. Now scientists are trying to work out what is sending them
所以失恋后的嗜睡,是在帮助大脑康复呢[doge]Christopher J. Davis, William M. Vanderheyden. Optogenetic sleep enhancement improves fear-associated memory processing following trauma exposure in rats. Scientific Reports, 2020; 发布于 2020-10-24 10:35 赞同78 分享收藏 ...
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