Even worse, th ey'r e claiming their calculations proof that w e'r e all going to die, very soon-whil e also sayi ng their prediction comes with a certainty of99 percent-and 2012 just happens to b e th e be st guess as to when it occurs .7 . Slip-Slop-Slap-BANG!W e all ...
As more proof that there is no one way to "do" science, different sources describe the steps of the scientific method in different ways. Some list three steps, some four and some five. Fundamentally, however, they incorporate the same concepts and principles. For our purposes, we're...
The MFB stimulation acts as a bridge to link the embedded computer system with the rat. Although previous work has shown that MFB electrical stimulation could provide high motivation in learning tasks25, our results are the first to provide the proof-of-the-concept research and indicate that, ...
This study, leveraging search engine data, investigates the dynamics of China's domestic tourism markets in response to the August 2022 epidemic outbreak in Xinjiang. It focuses on understanding the reaction mechanisms of tourist-origin markets during de
Great minds like Leslie Flint, a true spiritualist medium, have dedicated their lives to gathering objective evidence, verifiable proof that there's something more beyond this physical realm. Their knowledge and insights can be a beacon of light, a testament to the continuation of consciousness. ...
ScientificproofthatGodexists and not just any god, but YHWH, theGodof theHoly Bible Are you ready to become a Christian?learn more ⟶ ✕close Your search results for: No results found for your query. Introduction Next:Universe
Proton decay proof will be indicative of the death of the universe. If protons decay, the very substance the universe is made of will be rolling away. It is estimated that even if it happens, it may take 1021 times the present age of the universe. But, the fact remains that the ...
Even worse, they’re claiming their calculations proof that we’re all going to die, very soon --- while also saying their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 percent --- and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs. 7. Slip-Slop-Slap-BANG! We all know the...
(electromagnetic spectrum). If such a law can be mathematically derived, then this is the ultimate proof that free photon energy is very easily available to mankind and can be immediately used to create infinite abundance on this planet. This new law will be a derivation or a special ...
(he’d read theSciencepaper when it was under review in late 2014). Certain irregularities quickly jumped out at him: The data was, in short, a bit too orderly given that it came from a big survey sample. In itself this didn’t constitute definitive proof that anything was amiss, but ...