For example, I often memorize the first sentence of an important presentation just so that I can deliver that opening in a confident manner. Having the first sentence memorized allows me to make good eye contact around the room. Note, though, that trying to memorize more than a couple of ...
PreparingaScientificPresentation LauraRaney,MScOperationsResearchProposalDevelopmentWorkshopMay2006 WhyGiveaPresentation?Communicatetoinformmotivate CommonCausesofIneffectivePresentations FailuretomotivateaudienceConfusingstructureGapsinlogicExcessivedetailsPoorlydesignedslidesPoordelivery HowDoYou...
Creating presentation materials requires complex multimodal reasoning skills to summarize key concepts and arrange them in a logical and visually pleasing manner. Can machines learn to emulate this laborious process? We present a novel task and approach for document-to-slide generation. Solving this inv...
Unit1 Period 4 Talk about scientific experience课件 Unit1ScienceandScientists Period4Talkaboutscientificexperience 选择性必修二 人教版(2019)Lead-in WhatisthedateofMay30th?ScienceandTechnologyWorkers'Day Leadin Lookatthephotosbelow,andtellmethescientistsandtheirachievements.ChinaJiaolongSubmarine XuQinan Lead...
Significant figures come from the precision of your tools. Example: My kitchen scale can measure to within one gram. My chemistry scale can measure to within one- hundredth of a gram. Data must reflect the sensitivity of the tools. Key Point: If you are reading graduations on a ruler or...
We gave an example [The Parallel Dream]]( Homeworks HW1 will be due Thursday Feb 16. This is really just a getting started homework. Hw1 Final Project For the second half of the class students will work on the final...
Francis & Lillian Gilbreith Time & Motion Studies: reduce a job to its physical motions i.e. bricklayers Soldiering: working below capability “Cheaper by the Dozen” Concept still being used today The Original “Efficiency Experts” Conclusions of Scientific Approach A use results-based compensatio...
Educational exhibit (PPT oral presentation only) Intended for educational exhibits that highlight a technique, concept, or subject, rather than hypothesis-driven research. The material in this category is not suited for presentation as a scientific research abstract. Examples include a review of a to...
For clarity of presentation, histograms were subjected to linear or gamma adjustment. When used, such adjustments were applied uniformly for each antibody within experiments. Histogram plotting Mouse spinal cord 4i data was processed as described previously, registered across 4i cycles, and subjected ...
Depending on research or presentation goals, your existing facilities might need to be modified somewhat to fit a VR lab or a demo room. Facilities cost can be as low as zero if a fitting room is already available. If re-modeling is needed, it can be a substantial budget, typically $10K...