To assess the quality of explanations provided by the FIT calculator, we randomly selected 50 patient cases and presented the explanations generated by our tool to two physicians. The physicians were asked to evaluate whether the explanations aligned with their clinical intuition. Remarkably, our evalu...
on average, longer and occurred at higher percentages. Additionally, the maximum duration of static periods significantly increased during the TSST (Trunk:W = 3.0, p = 0.003, g = 1.499, Upper Extremities:W = 4.0, p = 0.006, g = 1.444, Fig.5b). ...
asphaltene precipitation will decrease. In addition to the effect of nanoparticles in inhibition of asphaltene precipitation, the minimum miscible pressure was also reduced. The effect of nanoparticles on the bond number is shown in the Fig.12250. ...