beheaded shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) purchased from a local mart in Gyeongsan, Korea, were thoroughly washed with distilled water and irradiated under ultraviolet (UV) for 25 min to minimize the background flora. The shrimps were cut into pieces (1 g) and inoculated with 1:100 dilution (~...
$$\begin{gathered} \dot{\xi } = - \frac{1}{{T_{s1} }}\frac{{q({\text{sig}}\vartheta (\xi ))^{1 - 1/q} }}{{\dot{\vartheta }(\xi )}} \Rightarrow \frac{1}{q}({\text{sig}}\vartheta (\xi ))^{{\frac{1}{q} - 1}} d\vartheta (\xi ) = - \frac{1}{{...
where the input image is the x; the convolutional filter is theWkassociated with thek-th map of the feature; the two-dimensional operator of the convolutional layer is denoted by the sign of multiplication, which is utilized to evaluate the filter model inner product at every position of the ...