A new species of anemone burrows into the ice and extends its tentacles into the surrounding water to feed
Electronic images of sea anemones (Actiniaria): Preservation of scientific illustrations and specimensMcCloskey, B JTang, T TFautin, D G
long tentacle anemone or purple tip anemone, belongs to Heteractidae family and is native to the Indo-Pacific region22,23,24. In 1994, Mebs mentioned the sea anemoneHeteractis crispa25, which has the valid nameRadianthus crispaon the WoRMS website. In 2010, Fedorovet al. published an art...
Bartholomea annulata(Anthozoa:Actiniaria: Aiptasiidae: Metridiodea) is a common sea anemone that inhabits the Caribbean Sea24,25,26,27and produces three different types of nematocysts: basitrichous isorhizas, microbasic p-mastigophores, and microbasic amastigophores26,28,29. It has also ...
Clownfishes and sea anemones form an intriguing long-term association, but the mechanism underlying this symbiosis is not well understood. Since clownfishes seem to cover themselves with sea anemone mucus, we investigated the microbiomes of the two
Life cycle and spillover of the burrowing sea anemoneEdwardsiella carnea. (a). adult female and male polyps release gametes to the water column. (b). a free-swimming pre-parasitic planula is formed following fertilization. (c). the planula infects the ctenophore hostMnemiopsis leidyiand develops...
Sea anemones Marine coelenterates such as sea anemonesCarybdea alataproduce venom and inflict them for defense and predation [30]. Sea anemones secrete proteinaceous more diverse toxin molecules with different molecular scaffolds toxins act on a large variety of ion channels and multiple exert phar...
Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP) is isolated from sea anemone,Discosoma sp, and is a fluorophore that fluoresces red-orange when excited. Before RFP, DsRed was also isolated fromDiscosoma. DsRed is similar in size and properties to GFP but produces a ...
Name Paeonia L. Vernacular names Internationalization Català: Peònia Česky: Pivoňka Deutsch: Pfingstrosen English: Peony Español: Paeoniaceae Français: Pivoine Italiano: Paeonia 日本語: 牡丹 Lietuvių: Bijūniniai augalai Norsk (bokmål): Peonfamilien ...
these days, imbler lives amongst two cats and five ember tetras—manageable, yet appropriate for a writer whose name is synonymous with online natives with a niche form of the “creatures beat,” wherein imbler combines scientific investigation of life forms, particularly of the undersea variety,...